Monday 20 August 2007

Are today's youth too short tempered?

SCENE OF CRIME: The ATM kiosk at Ezhilagam complex where the incident happened on Saturday night.

A guard at the automated teller machine (ATM) kiosk in the Ezhilagam office complex, Chepauk, was allegedly done to death by a youth from Nagaland on Saturday night.

According to the police, a 26-year-old computer science graduate had tried to withdraw money from the ATM, located in the complex on Kamarajar Salai. Since the machine flashed a message about inadequate balance in his account, he made repeated attempts. The accused belonging to Kohima and whose name was given as Dietmovolie Rhakho tried to use another card.

When he did not come out even after 20 minutes, the guard, Ravi (43), told him to contact the bank in the morning and asked him to leave the place. This resulted in an argument and during the scuffle that followed the youth allegedly stabbed Ravi with a knife in the neck and fled.

1 comment:

VS.Senthil said...

Today's youth want to do immediately whatever that comes in their mind. They don't even foresee what would happen on doing such things. I strongly believe these kind of crime are rising especially on weekends.i.e crimes are performed under the influence of alcohol.

Infact, youths have lesser or no thoughts on savings till they get married. People are spending their money just like anything from their bank account. If not, take the money from credit card account. In fact, it become today's fashion is youth's wallet is decorated with multiple credit card. Coming to metro cities, these things are become common...thanks to IT companies.

In short, people lost their patience or lose their originality when there is need for money.